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Bacalao, where to eat the best codfish in Barcelona

Some Catalans even say that there is no other fish that has the privilege of having so many receipts as Mr Codfish.

The king of Barcelona’s seafood

Bacalao, the Catalan and Spanish word for codfish, is one of the most important seafood in traditional Catalan gastronomy. Some Catalans even say that there is no other fish that has the privilege of having so many recipes as Mr Codfish.

Truth or lie, bacalao -fished in the cold seas of Northern Atlantic- is very popular in Barcelona (as in all the Iberian peninsula) and is a must on the menu of almost every restaurant in Barna and its surroundings. Its popularity began in the middle ages, when it could be preserved under salt for many months, providing its long conservation, making it cheap and accessible for the poor.

Bacalao was also a tasty alternative to mammals’ meat during Lent, the period that goes from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday (6 weeks later), when catholics should not eat pigs, cows or sheep.

There are many places where you can eat a good codfish in Barcelona. We prepared a list of three suggestions from different areas in the City Centre. Yummy!


Locals of the old Gothic Quarter have always been faithful to this, elegant, classic bacalao restaurant. While you admire the 100-year old paintings on the walls, which local out-of-money painters gave the tenants for a meal, enjoy a good Bacalo a la llauna, fried in flour with sweet green peppers and garlic.

Perelló 1898

Located in the Eixample, the art nouveau part of Barcelona, this vintage named local is part of the recently reformed Ninot Market. Sit down at the kiosk and pick some of their bacalao tapas, like bacalao a la vizacina, with a delicious tomato and pepper sauce or buñuelos de la Nuri, delicious codfish croquettes made with beer.

El Jardi de L’apat

A real hidden food oasis next to Park Guell, after you end your visit to the astonishing work of Antoni Gaudì, go taste their crispy buñuelos and other gems of Catalan cuisine. Guess what the buñuelos are made of… yes. Sweet, succulent bacalao.