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Festa Major of Gracia Neighbourhood

Festa Major de Gràcia

a traditional local party in a “hidden” quarter

Every August from the 15th to the 21st the streets and small squares of Gràcia Neighborhood host the Festa Major de Gràcia, a very popular local event with a bunch of exciting activities to enjoy.

Gràcia is a lovely quarter, less crowded than Barcelona’s city centre -Gothic Quarter and Raval in particular- and it still retains the same late 19th century vintage style it had when most of its houses were built.

This year is the 200th anniversary of the Festa Major, and the whole neighborhood is ready to celebrate like never before. Running devils, human castles, fireworks, live street music shows and typical Catalan dishes. You really don’t want to miss the fun!

There are so many different activities on the menu that it is hard to choose from, so we have picked what we believe are the greatest ones from the Official Program. The program is published on the Festa’s website and is proudly written only in Catalan, so we hope this little list will help you to make up your mind when the time comes. Enjoy!

Street Decorations

What: Every year the different streets of Gràcia are decorated, each one in a different way. A wonderful sight to behold!

When: From August 15 to August 22

Where: Everywhere in Gràcia

Free Night Concerts

What: From rock to traditional Catalan and Spanish music, to ethnic music, a great variety for every music aficionado. And it’s FREE!

When: Every night

Where: Different Streets in the Vila de Gracia: follow the sound!

Street Breakfast

What: A Catalan breakfast (esmorzar) in the streets of the barrio.

When: August 15 from 8.00 a.m.

Where: Carrer Progrés, Llibertat, Maspons and Fraternitat

Cercavila de Cultura Popular

What:  Festa de Gracia’s main parade, featuring all traditional groups of performers of the Festa Major such as the gegants (big puppets shaped as historical or folklore characters)  caps grossos (big head puppets)  dracs (dragons), castellers (human castles) bastoners (stick dancers) grallers (pipers).

When: August 16th from 6.00 p.m

Where: The parade starts at the junction of streets Carrer de Santa Àgata and Gran Via de Gracia .

Paella Popular

What: A paella, the typical Catalan rice dish, homemade by the people living in Gràcia.

When: August 18th at 2.30 p.m.

Where: Carrer Progrès

Diada Castellera de Festa Major

What: Human Castles performed in traditional clothes by the Castellers de la Vila de Gràcia and other groups.

When: August 19th, at 6.00 p.m.

Where: Plaça de la Vila de Gràcia


What: One of the most famous Catalan tradition, Correfocs is a group of guys dressed as devils who run through the streets accompanied by light fireworks. Pretty cool, isn’t it? One tip: don’t stand too close to them or you can get burned!

When: August 22nd at 11.30 p.m.

Where: Carrer Maspons

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